
Neue Andachtreihe in Marburg, organisiert vom Feministisch-Befreiungstheologischen Lesekreis und unterstützt von der Frauenbeauftragten am Fachbereich 05.

„Liberation theology moves people across boundaries of difference into radical solidarity, into the kind of revolutionary interdependence that can change the world. Thus, by stressing identification with those who are poor and marginalized, liberation theology acts in radical opposition to religious beliefs that facilitate white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.“

„And the point of being in touch with a transcendent reality is that we struggle for justice, all the while realizing that we are always more than our race, class, sexual orientation, gender and so forth.“ (bell hooks)

Für Termine hier klicken:

Ort: ESG Marburg
(Rudolf-Bultmann-Straße 4)
jeweils um 17 Uhr
Mo, 6. Juni
So, 12. Juni
So, 26. Juni
So, 19. Juni
So, 3. Juli
So, 17. Juli